Unseen Passage for Class 3

Unseen Passage for Class 3 English with Question Answers

Title of Paper (Willow Tree Press Press Books).

Butterflies are fascinating creatures that bring wonder and happiness into our surroundings. Their vibrant hues and graceful flights have long made them favorites among people of all ages; so let’s take a closer look at these magnificent insects while learning some interesting facts about them!

Unseen Passage for Class 3

1. Colorful Wings: One of the most noticeable characteristics of butterflies is their colorful wings, from vibrant orange and yellow hues all the way through deep blue and purple shades – each species boasting their own spectacular palette!

2. Butterfly Life Cycle: Butterflies undergo an extraordinary change known as metamorphosis – starting as tiny eggs which hatch into caterpillars that munch away at leaves to grow before finally creating their chrysalises, where they transform into adult butterflies.

3. Nectar Feeding: Adult butterflies feed on nectar found within flowers using long tubular tongues called proboscis to sip nectar from deep within flowers.

4. Habitats: Butterflies can be found living in gardens, meadows, forests or urban environments – each species preferring specific environments based on food availability and shelter needs.

5. Camouflage: Some butterflies utilize camouflage patterns on their wings in order to blend into their environment and avoid being preyed upon by predators. This protects these delicate organisms.

6. Migration: Much like birds, butterflies also migrate over long distances – such as the monarch butterfly’s journey from North America to Mexico every winter for breeding purposes.

7. Sensory Antennae: Butterflies have two antennae on their heads which help them sense their environment, with small hairs covering each antenna to detect scents or vibrations in their environment.

8. Short Lifespan: Although their metamorphosis may seem miraculous, butterfly adult lifespan typically only lasts several days to weeks after emerging as adults.

9. Importance: Butterflies play an invaluable role in pollination. As they move from flower to flower to feed, pollen spreads throughout and helps plants produce fruit and seeds.

10. Conservation: Unfortunately, certain butterfly species have become endangered as a result of habitat loss and pollution, making these delicate insects endangered creatures that require our care in protecting natural environments and creating butterfly gardens to preserve. Creating butterfly-friendly spaces such as gardens can help in safeguarding these delicate organisms for future generations to enjoy.

Next time you spot a butterfly flitting by, don’t take their beauty for granted; these fascinating insects contain so much more than meets the eye! Their vivid hues, unique life cycle and critical role in nature make them true wonders of nature.

Here’s an unseen passage, suitable for Class 3 students, alongside questions and answers:

Unseen Passage: Lillian’s Adventure at the Zoo

Lily was thrilled! Her class had decided to visit the zoo and Lily was eagerly looking forward to this field trip, especially as soon as they entered its gates; Lily hadn’t ever witnessed so many animals all at one place before! She couldn’t contain herself any longer as Lily started counting each animal that lay within.

Lily began by exploring the Lion’s Den. Lily marveled as she saw an exquisite, majestic lion relax lazily under a bright sunbeam while his mane flowed like an endless golden river; Lily was in awe at both its strength and beauty.

Next they visited a penguin enclosure. Lily found great delight watching how these aquatic birds waddled across land before disappearing beneath its waters – their black and white feathers twinkling in the sunlight!

Lily found herself truly amazed as an enormous elephant raised its trunk to trumpet loudly – she learned how its trunk serves many functions such as gathering food or spraying water onto nearby surfaces.

Lily had had an incredible day discovering new animals and was eager to show her family all she had seen. After making so many new acquaintances on her excursion, Lily returned home exhilarated by what she had witnessed and couldn’t wait to share all the tales from the adventure with them.


  1. Where was Lily’s class going for a field trip?
  2. What was Lily excited about?
  3. Describe the lion Lily saw at the zoo.
  4. What made Lily giggle at the penguin enclosure?
  5. How did the penguins move in the water?
  6. What was Lily amazed at when she saw the elephants?
  7. What do elephants use their trunks for?
  8. How did Lily feel after the zoo trip?


  1. Lily’s class was going to the zoo for a field trip.
  2. Lily was excited about seeing the animals at the zoo.
  3. The lion Lily saw was majestic and lazily stretching in the sun, with a golden mane.
  4. Lily giggled at the way the penguins waddled on land.
  5. The penguins glided through the water, and their black and white feathers shimmered.
  6. Lily was amazed at the enormous elephant raising its trunk and trumpeting loudly.
  7. Elephants use their trunks for picking up food and spraying water.
  8. Lily felt full of wonder and excitement after the zoo trip.

Use this unseen passage and accompanying questions/answers as reading comprehension practice material for Class 3 students.

Also Read: CBSE Class 3 Maths Worksheets: Enhance Understanding with Practice Sheets

FAQs on Unseen Passage for Class 3

1. Q: What are butterflies known for?
A:  Butterflies are known for their colorful wings and undergoing stages like eggs, caterpillars, pupae, and adults.

2. Q: How do butterflies eat?
A: Butterflies use a proboscis to drink nectar from flowers, helping them get the food they need.

3.  Q: What is the life cycle of a butterfly?
A: The butterfly life cycle includes egg, caterpillar, pupa, and adult stages, showing a remarkable transformation.

4. Q: Where do some butterflies migrate?
A: Monarch butterflies migrate long distances, from North America to Mexico, to escape winter’s cold.

5. Q: Why are butterflies important for plants?
A: Butterflies help plants by transferring pollen while collecting nectar, aiding in pollination and seed production.

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