Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has extended the deadline for correcting the details provided on the dummy registration cards for Class 12 students. The new deadline is now set for June 23, instead of the previous deadline of June 16.
Bihar Board Dummy Admit Card 2024:
Important Update for Class 12 Students
For the upcoming board examinations scheduled for Class 12 students in Bihar next year, the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has issued dummy registration cards. Along with this, the board has also allowed students to make corrections to the registration cards, for which the online application date has been extended until June 23. Previously, the deadline for correction in the Bihar Board Dummy Admit Card 2024 was announced as June 16.
Students should take note that the details in which the Bihar Board can make corrections include the student’s name, parent’s name, photograph, date of birth, category, religion, nationality, gender, subjects, etc. These corrections will be made by the respective school principal or headmaster. Also Read: JKBOSE 10th Result 2023: Expected Date & Official Website
How to Make Corrections in Bihar Board Dummy Admit Card 2024 Application
To make corrections to the Bihar Board dummy registration card, visit the official website of the board, Then, navigate to the relevant page through the link provided on the homepage or the direct links given below. On this page, the school principal should log in using their details and proceed to submit the application while making the necessary corrections in the student’s details.
The Bihar School Examination Board has also released a helpline number for any inconvenience or difficulty in making corrections or downloading the Senior Secondary Dummy Registration Card. Assistance can be obtained by calling the helpline number 0612-2230039.
It is worth mentioning that the Bihar Board issues dummy registration cards every year for students who have filled out forms for the board examinations. Therefore, students should check the details provided on the card and make necessary corrections within the given time in case of any discrepancies.
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